Ensure academic excellence for all students.
To achieve academic excellence, we must focus on learning outcomes and high-quality instruction.
This is the time for us to renew our expectations for student learning as the pandemic recedes. We should support teachers and staff in helping students achieve noticeable—and measurable—progress in their learning.
We need to work collaboratively to ensure that curricular goals are fully implemented at the school level—with fidelity to equity, inclusion, and to meeting each child’s needs.
Advance diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging.
We should promote policies and practices that ensure equity and decrease marginalization. We also should be attentive to how we can help all children, families, teachers, and staff feel like they truly belong in our classrooms, our schools, and our system.
By truly valuing our diversity, we can build strong foundations for future success in Arlington, across our nation, and in the global economy.
Our community can be strengthened if we deepen understanding of what equity looks like in practice.
Prioritize mental health and well-being.
We need to partner together to fully address the crisis in student mental health by increasing access to resources and supports; measuring the impact of the programs we have in place; and implementing comprehensive plans that can bring together families and schools to support students in need.
We can create a culture of caring that prioritizes health & well-being across our school system, including ensuring a healthy environment for all students, staff, and teachers; providing outdoor learning (and dining) opportunities; and supporting positive school communities.
Foster strong planning, innovation, and sound fiscal judgment.
We have the opportunity to take lessons learned from the pandemic to promote thoughtful, data-driven, creative, and flexible planning that engages the full range of stakeholders and offers new solutions to old problems.
Arlington County and APS have many opportunities to partner and grow together; we need to proactively seek out points of synergy; bring our collective energy and expertise to the table together; and make shared commitments to our community.
Our budget absolutely must support teachers and staff while balancing many priorities and ensuring the outstanding reputation of Arlington Public Schools. The talented personnel across APS are the primary means through which we can deliver exemplary education. The environment is competitive and we must evaluate our priorities and work strategically to attract and retain talent for years to come.